As of November 2, 1995
Atlas Team F1 has compiled a list of the following bookmarks for
use with the Netscape 1.2 "import" bookmark feature. If you would like to
include the following sites in your personal bookmark list (in their own folder),
click the following link. You will be presented with a similar page as this
one. In your Netscape 1.2 browser, go into your "file" menu and select "save
as." Select an appropriate directory and click "ok." Afterward, select "view
bookmarks" under the "bookmarks" menu. In the "Netscape Bookmarks" window,
select "import" under the "file" menu. Select the Internet Formula One
Providers bookmark file (f1-10-95.htm) and select "ok." A new folder with the
following sites will be created.Download the Internet Formula One Providers
bookmark file here:
f1-11-95.htm (As of November 2, 1995)
Adelaide Grand Prix by Jeff Morgan
Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Italia from AUTODROMO NAZIONALE MONZA - ACI MILANO by Fabbi Studio
candelaMotorsport from Trevor Long
David Coulthard Home Page (Unofficial) from Morris R. Maciver
F1 Page from Benjamim Junior
F1 Racing Information from Jonathan Swaby
FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP from The Racer Archive by Jay A. Carina
Formel 1 - 1995 - Also in English from Andre Geissler
Formula One Grand Prix Page from Stephen M. Baines
GALE FORCE - F1 from Gale Force of Monaco by webster@monaco.mc
Grand Prix Circuit Maps from David Reimer
Internet Formula One Pick Six (F1P6) from Paul Winalski and Tom Haapanen
ISSUE'S Formula One Home Page from ISSUE Holland by michel.r@issue.nl
Jesper's F1 Home Page from Jesper Skriver
Jocke's Formula 1 Page from Jocke Selin
Jussi's Motor Racing Index from Jussi Sääski
McLaren International from TAG/McLaren Marketing Services Limited by webmaster@mclaren.ccmail.compuserve.com
MILDSEVEN F1 TEAM WWW Server from Japan Tobacco Inc. by MILDSEVEN_F1@jtnet.ad.jp
THE MONACO GRAND PRIX from Gale Force of Monaco by webster@monaco.mc
Motorsport Information from Darren Galpin
Motorsport News International from Tom Haapanen
Nokia-Tyrrell-Yamaha Team Homepage from Nokia by webmaster@nokia.com
Pacific Grand Prix Limited from Atlas Team F1 & Gale Force F1
The Paddock Pass - unique Formula 1 memorabilia from Vincent Tong
Paul-Henri Cahier's MotorSite from Louis-David Mitterrand
RA's F1 Home Page from Robin Adams
Race Calendar from The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Racing Index from Yahoo
The Racing Times from Baz Barrow
SKY Formula One World from Kin-yip SIT
Speedy's Automotive and Racing Lust Page from Matthew Ian Loew
Total Jordan Peugeot Home Page from David S. Byrne
Tracks Around The World from Darren Galpin
Villeneuve - A Racing Legend from Allan de la Plante
Jacques Villeneuve : The Unofficial Home Page from Jean-Francois Dupont-Viel
Jacques Villeneuve Fan Page from Marc St-Louis
YELLKY's FIA Formula 1 WWW Page from Grzegorz "Yellky" Labe
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